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Medical Edibles, High Nutritional Food & Heirloom Seed > Cherry Vanilla Quinoa
Cherry Vanilla Quinoa

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Price: $3.50

Cherry vanilla quinoa ( chenopium quinoa) 90-120 days. Pink and white seed heads, deliciously edible, beautiful greens and grain. A super food. Selected for its vivid display of colorful seed heads, this ancient plant is a delicious and nutritious edible green and grain. The leaves are thick and succulent with a salty, savory flavour quite similar to spinach. The tiny grain is nutty, delicious, and bursting with protein. Cherry Vanilla produces the whitest quinoa you will have ever seen. Growing to 2 feet tall, it's a practical and striking addition to ornamental beds, adding dazzling shades of pink and cream. If planting for greens, sow seeds 1 inch apart and harvest entire plant when it reaches 6-8 inches tall. For grain production and enjoying selected leaves throughout the season, space plants 12-14 inches apart. Blooms in late summer to autumn.

50 seeds.