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Organic Natural Remedies. > Organic Cystitis Douche Formula " Easeacleanse".
Organic Cystitis Douche Formula " Easeacleanse".

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Price: $3.50

My new cystitis douche blend is best combined with my new cystitis tea formula on the page "herbal tea's" they work together to help ease the pain and infections associated with cystitis. The Anti-inflammatory components in this douche relieve bladder and urinary discomfort and calm irritations.  This also has anti-bacterial benefits and soothing herbs to cleanse, disinfect and protect inflamed tissues. .

The ingredients in this herbal douche help restore normal pH to the vagina, has a soothing effect, and kills off a variety of undesirable organisms including the ones present during cystitis. It is gentle enough not to unbalance the vaginal Flora or cause irritations, it is 100% natural and pure and works in harmony with your body:  Ideal for thrush and after anti-biotics or when discharge is present. This remedy cools, sooth and calms inflammations.



TIPS to ease the outbreaks of Cystitis.

Cystitis, bladder inflammation, can be helped by drinking plenty of fluids (not coffee or black tea) to reduce the irritating effect, and herbal teas of EASABREW to soothe the mucous membranes,  the Yarrow included is a urinary antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and gentle relaxant.




The body's natural defenses which normally keep the urethra clean include the antimicrobial surface of the bladder itself, the removal of bacteria during urination, and urine pH that is normally unsuitable for the growth of gram negative bacteria.  A healthy bladder normally has a sterile environment and is designed to remain so. Four to eight times a day flushing of any bacteria or other unwanted debris occurs during urination.  Generous fluid intake, around 8 glasses of water, ensures efficient flushing.  Drinking plenty of fluids also dilutes the urine, lowering the concentration of bacteria that might be present.  Restricting fluids can increase the concentration of urine and of irritants in the bladder.

Most women with IC find some correlation between their symptoms and certain foods. This is highly individual, but the most problematic foods seem to be: avocados, bananas, cranberries, peaches, strawberries, tomatoes, tofu, fava beans, lima beans, nuts, vinegar, yogurt, sharp cheeses, some herbal teas, white flour products, and brewer's yeast. Stimulants such as coffee, black tea, green tea, alcohol, tobacco, chocolate, and sex (even with oneself) may exacerbate symptoms, alas. Dyes and binders in most supplements aggravate symptoms, as do food preservatives, food dyes, carbonated sodas and waters, aspartame, and saccharine too.

Lactobacillus acidophilus
This probiotic helps to restore the 'good' or 'healthy' bacteria (known as flora) in your body. When you have an attack of cystitis it may be beneficial to use a vaginal cream that contains acidophilus as well as taking it orally. Lactobacillus acidophilus is available in a variety of different forms, including tablets and live organic yogurts. For best effect, you should try to incorporate all of these forms into your diet when you are suffering from an attack.

We've known for some time that cranberries help cystitis and that they significantly reduce the bacteria associated with urinary tract infections. It was originally believed that cranberry juice reduced the symptoms of cystitis by making the urine more acidic - obviously not a desirable effect, as it is the acidic urine that causes the burning sensation.

We now know that cranberries work in a complexly different way. It seems that certain substances called condensed tannins in cranberries can stop bacteria such as E. coli from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract.

For bacteria to infect your urinary tract, they must first stick to the mucosal (mucous membrane lining) walls of the tract. If they are unable to do so, they cannot multiply and are flushed from the body when you urinate. If you have had chronic cystitis in the past, it is worth using cranberries as a preventative measure.