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Amber's Organics LLC Medical Herb Seed A-Z > Amaranth, Golden Giant.
Amaranth, Golden Giant.

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Price: $2.99

amaranthus cruentis
This yields over 1 lb. of white seed per plant which has been reported on striking plants to 6’ tall. These have striking golden stems and flowering heads. May be planted anytime after risk of frost is past, up to 2 months before cool weather. Also known for its edible leaves.

Amaranth grows vigorously in most climates and needs a minimum of water. Both the leaves, which taste like spinach, and the seeds contain a high concentration of lysine, an essential amino acid lacking in all of the world’s main cereal crops. The seeds can be used for breads, pastries, or can be popped like corn. In addition to its high fiber, calcium and iron, amaranth also has two times more calcium than milk. When used in combination with wheat, corn or brown rice Amaranth offers a complete protein as high in food value as fish, red meat or poultry. Cooked amaranth has a total digestibility of about 90%. Amaranth’s unique nutty flavor makes it a welcome addition to many types of food products.


50 seeds.