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Organic Hot Climate Heirloom Tomato seeds > Tomato Brandywine, OTV
Tomato Brandywine, OTV

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Price: $2.99
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brandywine 72 days. (Indeterminate) [Named and released by Drs. Carolyn Male and Craig LeHoullier, editors of Off the Vine (OTV), the newsletter of heirloom tomato enthusiasts.] The best strain of Brandywine, set apart from the others by its smooth, creamy, almost buttery texture, and harmonious sweet flavor. Fruits are a rich red color with an orange undertone. Produces a large percentage of usable attractive tomatoes, relatively free of defects, averaging 3/4 lb. up to 1 lb. Foliage cover is excellent due to the vigorous vine growth and the extraordinarily large leaflets. The terminal leaflets are 4" across (almost as large as a hand!). This is the most productive and heat-tolerant Brandywine.


A must for every tomato lover.


20 seeds Pkt.