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Welcome to the AO Medicine Cabinate! > Organic Ginkgo Biloba Tincture Brain, Focus, heart, circulation, balance & memory
Organic Ginkgo Biloba Tincture Brain, Focus, heart, circulation, balance & memory

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Price: $8.00
Availability: in stock

Ginkgo biloba herbal tincture may help stimulate and enhance the blood circulation of the body. Proper circulation is a necessity for every person in order to live longer and function properly. It has been found out that prolonged consumption of Ginkgo biloba tea can relieve Reynaud disease, a kind of disease that is caused by restricted blood flows in the fingers and toes. Reynaud’s medical conditions such as blood clotting are inhibited by Ginkgo biloba helps in minimizing blood coagulation, cramps, and headaches. It will also reduce the clogging of arteries by inhibiting the formation of plaque, thereby protecting the person from having a heart disease.

People having an excess PAF often have inflammatory or immune diseases like brain damage. With the benefits of Ginkgo biloba, the platelet activating factor or the PAF is controlled, and immune diseases are eliminated. Aside from this, Ginkgo biloba will also help in treating hearing disorders such as tinnitus. However, this treatment is still under research because scientists cannot find out how tinnitus is healed with the extract.

It is believed that Ginkgo biloba deals with the small arteries in the body. It removes toxins including bad cholesterol and somehow promotes proper circulation. Thus, Ginkgo biloba will improve the mood and reduce lethargy. People, who regularly take Ginkgo biloba, often have a good sense of well-being as well as mental alertness. Even those who have disturbed mental equilibrium are treated with the tincture. It goes to show that this herb will improve the brain functioning, treat depression, anxiety, hormonal imbalance, mood swings and many other conditions related to brain imbalances.



Ginkgo Benefits

Ginkgo leaf extracts are being used today to treat Alzheimer’s disease, dementia and to promote memory.

Ginkgo has been reported to be effective in treating retinal eye ailments such as macular degeneration


The following are ginkgo biloba tea's more well-known health benefits:

Ginkgo  stimulates blood and peripheral arterial circulation;

Ginkgo biloba reduces lethargy and improves sense of well-being;

Ginkgo biloba may help improve the memory;

Ginkgo biloba is used to treat hearing disorders like tinnitus;

Ginkgo biloba may improve disturbed equilibrium;

Ginkgo biloba may help improve mental alertness;

Ginkgo biloba may be used as supplement for Alzheimer's disease



Specific: Use in persons with coagulation disorders should be under the supervision of a qualified healthcare practitioner.
General: We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.











Specific: Use in persons with coagulation disorders should be under the supervision of a qualified healthcare practitioner.
General: We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
For educational purposes only








